Welcome to CCD
Clackamas Collaborative Divorce is a collaboration of committed professionals who can help you and your family through the divorce process. Please explore our professional lists who can discuss the collaborative process with you.
Welcome to CCD
Clackamas Collaborative Divorce
Collaborative law is an option for resolving legal disputes out-of-court in a process customized to meet the specific needs of the people involved. Working with trained professionals, parties are guided through the important legal issues, but in a private and supportive setting. Most often collaborative process is used in divorce, custody, and parenting time cases.
Clackamas Collaborative Divorce (CCD) is a group of professionals dedicated to helping Oregon families achieve an out-of-court resolution to divorces and family law cases, using collaborative procedures.
If you have an Oregon case and would like to know more about resolving your family law case in a collaborative way, contact our professionals. We can help you understand your options and make the best decision possible about how to move forward in your case.
Our Team Consists Of:
Lawyers & Mediators
Financial Specialists
Divorce Coaches & Child Specialists
Helpful Links:
Oregon Association of Collaborative Professionals